x sangke.......

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 | 3 Ladas

Today.... we dun have any menu to followed... the chef just gave us some ingredients and ask us to think what we can do for starter and main course on spot..... its a time to us to make whatever dish we want..... its a free style types of cooking but the chef lined that must have one dish for vegetarian..... we can choose either starter or main course...... ITS A SHOW TIME......... today.... my partner was RED.........first time ni..... ha
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Convocation of my frieds.....

Friday, June 5, 2009 | 2 Ladas

I went to two convocation of my friends last week.... at UiTM Shah Alam...... Awie on 29 May ... and Jas on 2nd of June....... AWIE Congratulation Awie....... Kak Enni yang cantik n sporting.......hehehe Enna malu2 plak....hahaha me n Awie...... sempoi........ Jas dengan penuh bergaya......hehe Apid........ rambut tu bha....... JAS Tahniah Jas....... ayunya awek si Jas.............. All of us tired...... want faste
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My Blueberry Cake......

Friday, June 5, 2009

last yesterday.... in the Pastry class..... i didn't do anything to sold on that day... I just helped my friends doing their pastry... but suddenly Man ask me to make sponge cake for the customer.... i blurred..... i dunno and i dun have any idea to make it... so.... i just try to make it...... I was wondering how to deco my cake.... huhu my eye's messy looked a what ingredients that we have... suddenly..... idea was coming.... hahaha yesssss
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kali ni menjadi.....

Friday, June 5, 2009

haha... i just want to story about my kitchen class on 19 May 2009..... on that day I change my partner..... cuz ordered from Chef Federic.... erm... my partner was Yeoh....The muffin master.....hahaha we cooked....... # for the starter..... Seafood Pancake with Crab Sauce Chef commented; - nice presentation - volume ok - Sauce good texture - the pancake too big # Main Course Roasted Lamb with Goat Cheese Chef Commented...; lamb over c
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Chef Marah.....huhuhu

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 | 0 Ladas

Today class our chef got mad......huhuhu cuz some of as not clean the station nicely before go out from the kitchen..... he very mad... specially to Martin..... cuz martin not clean the pan that he used to fry his lamb..... Today Class we cooked this dishes.... Starter.... Crabe Bisque Chef Comment ; texture ok....enough thick.... seasoning ok to much cream.... dumpling too big..... Main Course... Lamb Stew chef Commented ; nice decor
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Why too sudden.....?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

last thursday..... when I was decorating a cake, i got call from my mum... I answered...my mum cried.... "knp mum...?" "ur pak sue meninngal nak....." "hah.... bila...? "pagi tadi......" "knp boleh.....? "di tindis case.........." the line suddenly disconnected...... dunno why..... on that time im still not cry... cuz I felt its impossible.... cuz he is a very careful person.. after that I continued my job.... after finished... I cal
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

erm.... I want to story about my kitchen class last tuesday...... everything was ok..... start with mice n place and as usual, we came early to did it.... this week again Lester the Sabahan Taiko been my partner...... on that day we cooked 2 dishes..... appetizer and main course the appetizer was Potato and Chicken Pie while the main course was Red Snapper Fillet with Tomato & Zucchini..... Potato and Chicken Pie Comment from Chef; Nic
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Jom main masak2....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 | 0 Ladas

Yesterday we have cooking class again... but the different is we have to make Prawn Salad and Roast Chicken With Mushroom Sauce...... vegetable slaughter aka adam Yeoh.... preparing the salad... I'm preparing prawn stock for Salad dressing and Chicken stock for Mushroom sauce for main course....... My Prawn Salad...... Comment from Chef; Volume ok less seasoning mayonnaise ok prawn a bit dirty My Chicken Roast with Mushroom Sau
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2nd Pastry Shop...

Sunday, May 3, 2009 | 0 Ladas

as usual..... every thursday we have assignment to run pastry shop... last thursday, we had run that shop....... and we got RM560..... less than last week, but still above than minimum sales that had lined by College side.... our group was getting ready for our business..... was rushing to finish all the pastries.... all the working table were messy......hahaha.... Lester.... in charged to make pizza...... 13 pizzas all sold out....
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Riwayat Chinta.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | 0 Ladas

huh...dunno why.......... first time I listen this song..... waw....... so awesome..... actually this was sang by Ziana Zain...... I searched online for its original video.... but I couldn't found it.... only this video is exist in the youtube.... the song is originally sang by Ziana Zain but the video was miming by entah porok mana....... but not bad.....wah....I like this song.....and fyi..... I spinded this song more than 100 times a day .
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Pastry Shop...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

last Thursday..... our group turn to run a pastry shop...... its a assignment for every group in term 4 to run their business. the reason is to see our creativity, attitude in prepare a couples of pastry to sold and how to organize the pastry kitchen and the pastry shop....... Man was being our exac.Chef.... and I was being Pastry Chef...... hahaha... funnny......... we were asked to make 7 types of pastry to sold..... but i think.... we had d
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2nd Kitchen class.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

haaa....... last Tuesday, our group again got kitchen class. 2nd kitchen class.... erm..... like usual we came early to make mice en place..... and for this week again I and Lester were working together in da kitchen to produce 2 dish that were asked form the head chef...Chef Fredic...... look...... how busy our group in da kitchen...... everyone was rushing to done their dish..... hahaha This was my 1st dish......Gaspacho Andalou......
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1st kitchen class in term 4...

Thursday, April 16, 2009 | 0 Ladas

14 April 2009... was my 1st class in the kitchen for term 4... I exited came to this class course all of my group (group 4) allowed to cook whatever style that we want on the given ingredients......... There were 2 person in each station.... I choose  Lester (sabahan boy) as my partner cuz he have initiative and good attitude in the kitchen. he also a hard-working person.... I didn't choose my malay friends cuz they are so lazy and
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