Raya'08....Was fun....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | 0 Ladas

be4 raya was happy cuz,rayawill come...and also was sadcuzramadhan will end... I helped my mom making some biscuit to serve on Hari Raya day...... Hahaha..... awesome for me.....waw.... my Family in Maroon theme this year..... After Sembahyang Sunat Hari Raya....All my familywas gathering together.... At my Mak Ngah house....nyum...nyum.....ate burasak and nasu likku......my favorite d
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My 1st Time Celebrate 1st Ramadhan Without My Family.....

Saturday, September 6, 2008 | 1 Ladas

so sad.....I forced to celebrate it here....1st time without my family... but,my brother, my cazen and my fren washere to accompany meto celebrate 1st ramadhan..... 1st sahur.......so sleepy... need to wake-up at 4 am... I ate sup daging and drunk teh tarik...... 1st puasa... was raining..... so cool... so,we haven't felt hungry...before buka time... we were going to bazar ramadhan to findsmth
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I Was Touched........

Friday, August 29, 2008 | 1 Ladas

I trust many of u already saw this 'iklan'...... at the beginning.... I felt want to laugh.... but, at the last scene, time his father gave him a account book, suddenly... I cried...... I can't endured............ on that time, I remembered my father. I still remember, at the last fathers day, I called my father, I said..... "dad, 10ks a lot cuz could sent me to study even I'm already old....." then........
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