Horreyyy... Graduation DaY

Saturday, April 10, 2010

im so so hepi today...
cuz today is my graduation day... hehe.
erm... batch kitorg dapat pujian 
cuz 1st time dapat 100% pass.... alhamdulillah...
i got Very Honorable pass.... hehe. 
thanks mum, dad n taylors......

pagi tadi pergi kolej awal morning... 
ye la exited ni... takot lambat.... haha
sampai2 jer trus nak g brekfest.... 
but, the food court closed.... 
dah la lapar giler ni... haish....

tepat kul 11, we were asked to enter the Hall..... 
the ceremony started a bit late 
cuz of all the vip dtg lambat... haha..... 
syg r Ayuni - my bff dtg lambat pulak... 
so, x dpt la die naik pentas amik sijil die... 
BTW congratzzz to ayu and all DC30... we r the best...!!!!


Santan by;

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